Category Archives: About tellows

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The New tellows Browser Extension: Easily Evaluate Unknown Numbers Online


Whether it’s annoying spam calls, dubious prize draws, or targeted fraud attempts – most of us have encountered unwanted calls from unknown numbers. With the new tellows browser extension, you can now identify phone numbers directly while browsing the internet and receive alerts about suspicious ones.

What is the tellows Browser Extension?

The extension improves your online experience by automatically detecting phone numbers and displaying ratings from the tellows database. Whenever you encounter a phone number online – such as on websites or in search results – the extension provides all relevant information collected by the tellows community.

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Sponsored posts on tellows


A sponsored post is a high-quality advertising contribution or article, that is written to suit the readers. For placing the post on the website, the publisher gets a payment.

We receive a high amount of inquiries where people ask if we could publish an article on our blog, therefore we want to give you an overview under which circumstances it is possible to work together.

We divide between advertising content and content written by editors. We mark these posts accordingly for the community. All published articles comply with the Google policies and are labeled as promotional articles. Furthermore, external links are labeled with the “nofollow” – tag.

The writing of an article can either be done from a tellows editor or from a costumer. We reserve the right to not publish articles if the content is inappropriate for our readers or if the article only contains advertisement without quality content. The topic should somehow relate to the section of consumer protection, telephony, fraud, tips for calling and similar topics. In other words, it should fit thematically to our blog. Be aware that we can only publish a limited amount of sponsored posts.

If you are interested in working with us, feel free to contact us. In order to do this, you can send us by using our support page.

Your tellows team


Increase your visibility with the new tellows feature for companies!

FacebooktwitterredditpinteresttumblrmailCompetitions is a crucial factor for a company and every entrepreneur or manager has always to find new solutions to reach their customers and increase its visibility on the market. In particular, online listing directories are now among the cheapest, fastest and easiest ways to make your company findable by your potential clients, and we know how important it is to be widely visible online. The tellows platform understood this need and decided to introduce a new feature in its website: a company entry for trust-worthy firms that allows both users and business people to add more information about a company and let other people know more about the person or the firm registered.

With this new feature, customers and entrepreneurs can count on several benefits on both sides, because accurate information will help clients to find firms that they can trust, and companies would be found and seen with the (proper) imagine they want to give.

For example, besides the better visibility due to being easier locatable in search engines and gain improvements in the SEO, people with tellows Android app will see the company’s name and address when you call them.
Moreover, creating and editing an entry is free and it can be easily and quickly updated at any time, as shown in the picture below; people can also leave their feedback on your business and you can see their recommendations, which will help you to rank better.

business entry editing

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tellows database – Where does the information about dubious phone numbers come from?

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Thanks to its large community, tellows offers up-to-date data on unknown phone numbers from all over the world. Using this information, we have developed various solutions to warn consumers of unwanted calls while the phone rings.

Where does the information come from?

More than 9 million users in more than 50 countries use the tellows website, the tellows applications and the partner products every month to find information about unknown calls and report details about frequently called telephone numbers. More than 20,000 reviews are received every month. Users share the name of the caller, the type of call and the purpose. Positive telephone numbers can also be reported and company entries for various industries can be stored to help people find your business.

Regular checks of the content are necessary for a reliable protection. tellows performs manual checks and uses automatic spam checks to ensure optimal data quality and to avoid manipulations.

How is the tellows database structured?

The database contains only phone numbers with existing ratings that are of public interest as they have called a lot of people. A phone number can have multiple ratings. With the help of the ratings, tellows creates an average score, which makes it possible to estimate the reliability of the number. The database of a rated telephone number contains the tellows score, the caller type, the caller name, the number of ratings and search queries, the location, excerpts from comments and other assigned caller names and types.
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What are the different types of telephone scam? tellows helps you to identify them and to stay protected!

Facebooktwitterredditpinteresttumblrmailtellows is a reverse phone number search platform that gives you details about numbers reported by more than 7 million users in 50 countries. Using our platform you can identify calls from suspicious and annoying numbers and leave comments and ratings about them, in order to help other users in our community. tellows mission is to identify unwanted calls thanks to the information provided and shared by our users while our vision is to fight against suspicious calls and to protect our community users from annoying calls.

tellows works as a team with our platform users. We strongly believe that “sharing is caring” and we trust our users in true information about unwanted calls. With this informative post, from tellows we want to inform you and help you stay protected from the different types of spam and scam calls existing (…)

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Think phone spam isn’t a problem in the UK? Think again! Check out our annual report to see our latest research

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This week we celebrate the release of our latest annual report!

Your tellows team would like to wish you a happy new year! The new decade officially started more than one week ago and we want to take the chance to thank you all for the support you showed to our website in the past year. So, how has 2019 been as far as phone calls are concerned? Find out in our new annual report!

The annual report contains information about spam trends during 2019, including information about caller type, user and usage stats. This is in addition to general information about the growth of tellows throughout the year, most notably on its social media platforms. Check out our blog article from December 2019 which contains all the useful stats about user activity on tellows.

Download the tellows Annual Report 2019

As compared to 2018, in 2019 harassment calls significantly decreased in terms of percentage (from 29% to 19%), but the proportion of calls coming from telemarketers and aggressive advertising has increased. However, more trustworthy numbers have also been reported on tellows, making them the most popular caller type recorded in the UK. Among the most searched numbers from last year are:

  • +441709357345 (search requests 113838, ratings 91), which is supposedly a number used by the telecommunication company Vodafone
  • +442078553116 (search requests 97080, ratings 98), supposedly identifiable with Amazon Delivery service
  • +441844398909 (search request 238744, ratings 85), supposedly EE.

All in all, in terms of caller types, UK users have been reporting more useful calls, even if almost 75% of all calls can be considered as “unwanted”.

In order to make the tellows experience better, last year our team tried to create more engagement with the users by publishing a second version of the tellows magazine in January and was more active on social media platforms.

What is tellows magazine? Briefly put, it is our own magazine available in e-book format which contains all the important information you need to protect yourself against unwanted calls and alleged fraud. The content ranges from general facts about spam calls to ways for reporting them. Download the magazine for free!

In August 2019 we also achieved an important goal: our downloads on Google Play Store reached 500K! In the last few months tellows has been busy updating the app for Android and was finally able to launch the new version in November with some major changes. How is it better? First of all, we made some new usability updates which make the app generally easier to use, thus ensuring our users have a better experience. More specifically, the app menu has been drastically changed and the settings menu has also been re-structured. Secondly, we have made it possible to view manually blocked numbers by adding the new entry “local scorelist”. Moreover, we introduced a new spam category, which is SMS spam, and now phone numbers can also be assigned to this new caller type. Finally, the app language could be manually changed directly in the app. As for aesthetics, we introduced the tellows man, who is there to introduce new users to the app when it is first downloaded on the mobile device.

At least twice a week we create a new post on Instagram about new spam trends, advices for protection from spam calls and also small curiosities about cultures all over Europe. Of course, the Facebook page remains really active by publishing articles and being ready to answer inquiries from customers.

The annual report 2019 gives you insights into the worldwide scam and spam reports and the top trends of 2019.

Download the tellows Annual Report 2019

With this annual report tellows is officially putting an end to 2019, nevertheless the achievements made during the last year are just going to keep us motivated for improving our service and guarantee all our users major protection against unwanted calls. Thanks for the support!

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tellows Study 2019 – How active were tellows users in the UK?

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This December, tellows would like to share with you its 2019 study. In which country do you think tellows users were the most active during 2019? In November 2018 we published our first study about the amount of ratings users left on tellows.

We have collected information from January to November 2019 to update you on the latest developments in spam reporting on tellows. Check out the following diagrams to find out about rating trends in your home country, how these have changed compared to last year and how the figures compare to other countries! In the UK, almost 3 in every 1000 site visitors left a comment this year. There was also a mild increase in the total number of comments compared with 2018. Nevertheless, the users of Columbia were the most active with 7 in every 1000 users sharing information about unknown numbers in 2019.

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tellows Study II: Harassment Calls Take Over in the UK

FacebooktwitterredditpinteresttumblrmailLast year tellows Study I explored the most communicative countries according to our database, in which Colombia, USA and Mexico took the lead out of 50 countries. In 2019, tellows Study II aims at sharing our latest information of the most reported caller types in countries within Europe, Asia and South America at tellows’ platforms. Alone in the UK, almost 30% of the callers’ type are reported as harassment calls. Surprisingly the most noted caller types actually differ from country to country, let us check out the content below!

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Annual Review 2018

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we, the tellows team, sincerely wish you a happy new year!

Thanks to you and your endless support we could reach our goals and grow even more in 2018. From the new features of the tellows app to our new and fresh homepage design, we will tell you all the important news in the following annual review. Check it out! Continue reading Facebooktwitteryoutubeinstagram

Finally, it is out: Our new magazine!

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The first edition of our magazine can already register 150,000 downloads, so we are pleased to announce today that our 2nd edition is now available! For those of you who do not know yet, what the tellows magazine is: Based on the many years of experience, we have created our own magazine with all the important information you need to protect yourself against unwanted calls and alleged fraud.
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