Despite the Corona Virus the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) takes place once again all over Europe. Because of the pandemic our everyday life changed and nowadays almost everything takes place online which makes it even more important to know how to protect your data and how cyber scammer work.
Also, our way of working changed. Now we work and learn at home and all professional and personal contacts, like keeping in touch with beloved ones, are conducted online. All these actions increase the general internet activity and that attracts cyber scammers. At the beginning of the pandemic there were fewer calls than in the past years at the same time. But the calls of scammers didn’t decrease. You might ask yourself how do you protect your data. That’s what the cybersecurity Month is about.
What is the European Cyber Security Month?
The first European Cyber Security Month took place in 2012 and it’s organized by the European Union Agency for Cyber Security (ENISA) and the European Union Member States. The over-all topic every October is the cybersecurity. The aim of the ECSM is to create awareness of cyber criminality and to show the right way to move around on the internet. Like every year all citizen and companies can take part.
Think Before U Click #ThinkB4Click
The main topic of the ECSM since the beginning is that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility and all European countries should work together against it. Additionally, every year the ECSM has a motto. This year’s motto is #ThinkB4UClick and all activities and workshop concentrate on the approach to identify cyber scammers and the general danger of cyber criminality. The first two weeks are about digital skills and week three and four concentrates on cyber scam.
tellows and the Cyber Security Month
Scammers try to take advantage of the current situation and use it to make profit. Especially they are after E-commerce companies and online pay-systems. That shows that data protection is now even more important than before the pandemic.
We report about the Cyber Security Month because it’s important to know about cyber scammers and their methods. Spam calls can happen to everyone. tellows can help to identify those calls and help you with the decision if you should answer the phone or not.
An annual moth about cybersecurity is important, but we from tellows think it’s even more important to be aware of new scam methods and threats of the internet all the time. Although, we aren’t taking part in the ECSM, we are protecting you and your data every day! It’s essential to improve your own behaviour on the internet and on the phone, but also to update your friends and family regular about new scam methods and security gapes. On your website you can check dubious numbers at all time and your community reports new numbers on our website every day!
What are you doing to protect yourself from cyber criminality? What experience did you make? Share your knowledge in the comments and help others to protect themselves.