Schlagwort-Archive: free app

tellows App for iPhone – New Login Feature and Personal Blacklist


Dear tellows fellows,

We have good news! A new tellows iPhone version  for „tellows Caller ID & Blocker“ is available in the App store: 1.4.0! The app works for all devices using iOS 10 or higher.

Version 1.4.0 comes with an improved protection from unwanted phone calls, thanks to some new features. You have the ability to log in to your own tellows account and easily access it from multiple devices. You can also edit your account settings and posted comments, when you log in to tellows in the web browser.

Additionally, you can now create your personal blacklist and add unwanted numbers that are not yet rated or don’t appear in the blacklist. If you rate a number negatively, it will be added to your personal blacklist and will be blocked the next time you receive a call. Even if the overall rating assigned by other tellows users of the phone number is different, it will still be blocked. You must be logged in to use this feature and synchronize your personal blacklist with your device. You can use your one personal blacklist across all devices and tellows products.


New iPhone App: tellows Caller ID & Block – Now with Block Feature!


Watch out, Apple users: Today, we introduce you to our new app!

tellows Caller ID & Block!

With the release of iOS 10, it is finally possible to block calls! And we don’t want to withhold this feature from you any longer. We developed a new app that protects you even better from unwanted calls. Annoying spam calls that cost you time and nerves are now history.

To offer you the best protection ever, we equipped the tellows app with a special feature. Incoming calls can be identified with the tellows Caller ID & Block app, instantly. And to make sure you don’t even get disturbed by those calls, you can now block all spam calls.

