(English) Service Volontaire International – a new collaboration for tellows



Dear tellows friends,
as you already know, the tellows database contains over 1,8 millions of telephone numbers which are reported by our users. However, not only our users can benefit from this database but also companies and organisations! Like we explained on our API page, we are always happy about new collaborations and partnerships by offering access to our database. We are really glad to inform you about our latest collaboration with a volontaire organisation. The name of the organisation is “Service Volontaire International (SVI)” and they use our Scorelist API in a FreePBX system in order to block unwanted calls. By that they are free from any spam or fraud-call and can concentrate even more on doing something good.

But let us introduce you the organization a little bit further..

The Service Volontaire International (SVI) describes themselves as a “Belgian-French-Vietnamese pluralist, apolitical, non-profit organisation with no religious affiliation”. It was founded 2009 by former volunteers and aid workers and has the aim to encourage adolescents to be an active part in society trough local and international activities.

Projects all over the world 

The SVI helps you to find a project all over the world. The projects can be long-term or short-term and and the projects are as different as the could be therefore there is a project for everyone. The benefit of participating in one of the projects is not only that you do something good, but also that you learn new things about other cultures and become more open-minded. Moreover there are also projects available for groups (e.g. families) and for schools.

The organization grows year after year. In 2013 for example, the organisation helped about 500 young people with their projects whereas in 2016 almost twice as much young people found a project with the help of SVI!

Backgrounds of the volunteers does not matter

For SVI it is important that everybody has the chance to become a volunteers. The driving force of the organisation is not money, but to enable that as many young people as possible can become a volunteer. In order to become a volunteer they state that you do not need special skills. According to the SVI, it is all about the motivation. Depending on what your motivation is, you can apply for different projects.

If you are interested in the organisation or if you want to find out more about them, visit their website.

If you also want to benefit from our database and you are interested in working with us, feel free to send us an e-mail to [email protected].

Your tellows team


